Monday, June 30, 2008

No recess

Today i spend the whole recess to look for yaunsheng because i wanted to tell him some thing.But i could not find him i looked every where in the canteen,library,the tent,the feild,the paradesquare,basketball court and the toilet.I even ask linus and everybody that is in 3C.I drank all my water and refill it two time.Then when the recess was over i saw him and i ask him where was he.He told me every thing.I am so tired looking for him and i still have tuition at 8 o`clock well all well that ends well.OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!I WIS I CAN HAVE A HOLIDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, June 28, 2008

worst day ever

You know yesterday was the worse day ever i had a fever and ulcer very pain boo hoo hoo.My mother said it was heatiness and it was not wapossible as i had drink all the water in my waterbottle yesterday.Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh dear i am so dead.DARNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!But today i was feeling better,so i went for TKD.Any way next week is my grading.After that,i went for my maths lesson i felt haedache ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh i know feel a headache now well i bettle get going

about singlish

Some times i write singlish like third becomes thirt and fourth into fof.hehehe i love singlish.WAIT!!!is singlish bad???who can i ask?I can search on google or yahoo no im too lazy i know i can ask my teacher.yes!!!that is the easiest way.hahaha.lazy is good.hehehe.

Thursday, June 26, 2008


Hi everybody i had a baday yesterday th first bad thing that happen to me was that i fell diuring my football match i hurt my arm and my leg it was so pain that i cryed,the second bad thing was that when i was at the toilet chaging in to my pe-shirt some one bang the door at my face it was so pain man,the thirt thing that i was pushed on to the feild ground for the fof time the same thing happened to my at the foot ball feild but i was ok and that was what happened to my yesterday.