Wednesday, July 30, 2008

The cute hamster named Pancake

When I came back from school, I saw a container and in the container was a cute hamster. It was named Pancake. I asked my mom whether she bought it and she said no. She also said it was my sisters friend. After coming back from my tuition i saw my sister and asked her is it her friends one or the class. She said it was it is the class one. I kept staring at Pancake. I also waited for my sis to stop playing the computer. I waited and waited, suddenly she said izaac it is your turn.I said in my mine yes. My sister said Aaron come i show you something. I went to her and i saw Pancake lying on the container.My sister said she is dreaming and she will move when she is dreaming. I stared at it,suddenly it rally move. I was surpirsed. Now i dont know what is it doing now??? Wait let me is know awake.It was diging a whole just know so i asked my sister. She was just too tired to talk so i just live her alown. I wander what is it up to diging that whole. Hmmmmmmm...........................................

Friday, July 25, 2008

My secret

Do u know who i love,well some of u know but some of u dont know.I like Zann u know but i love Hanna tell u the true i love zann as well as Yuansheng.I think Yuansheng love zann more than i do,or was that i love more than yuansheng.Any way i quit from fighting for zann.What for fight for some one that they dont love u right?Thats y i quit fighting for.Well there is still some one i love that is Hanna.

Friday, July 18, 2008

I cant put a Cbox in my blog

I cant put a Cbox in my blog becuase i need another skin for my blog,but the problem is that non of the skin can be put in to my blog.Boo hoo hoo.But it is ok.As long as the skin is suitable for me,i am fine with.Lol

Wednesday, July 16, 2008


Q:Whow many s are there in this poem like fishes .I went to the fishing pond to feed the fish but i forgot to buy the fish food,so i went to the fishshop and bought the fish food.

Is it 0,1,3,5 or 7

answer me in school.Very easy question right?

Sunday, July 6, 2008

TKD and soccer

Yesterday was my TKD grading.I was still resting in my bed.When it was 9.30am,my mother woke me up,she ask me to go brush my teeth and eat my breakfast.So i did what she told me to do,after doing all the thing i watch TV.After some time i look at the clock.It was almost 11 o clock.I rush to my TKD clothing and change up.Then my brother brougth me to the school.luckily i was on time.So we all went to the hall.
When it was the blue belt turn we went in the midle of the hall.The instructor
made a row.I was in front of the the examiner.The examiner said start and we started doing or pattern so we did it.When iwas almost finish i suddenly i was so nervous that i forgot what i was doing,so i quickly remember what i was doing.By the time i remember what i was doing it was already the last step that i had to do.So i did the last step.After all this i had to do my kicks when i was doing my kicks suddenly some thing came out fo my uniform it was my pendant.I was so afraid that the exeminer would fail me,so i just forget about it.Then it was time for sparring.I had to fight with linus.I had to be a little bit gentle.After the sparring it was over.I was very scared that i had fail.But today i went for soccer training.After the trainig we still had a little time so the coach said we can play a match but one team only has five wile the other had six because we are short of one player so we played i was on the blue team that only has five but we won because of me and Asharf.I was the goalkeeper that i block all the shot by syszan and asharf score all the goals i had a great time.YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, July 3, 2008

football gose bad man

today i went for football with out food.I had to tackle people,so that they can trip over the ball and my team can take the ball.I have tackle alot of people the worst person i have tackle was zedan.I tackled him then my team mate went to take the ball he was so angry that he pull my shirt and bit my so i bit him back and then he told linus,he said he go slid instad of snaching i was so angry that i went mad i went to the ball and tackle people around it then i fall.Some body went to hit my ear.It was so pain that i sat down on the grown.After that i was still angry i felt that i have more power so i charge in But i ceep missing so i told my self to never give up so i keep on tackleing in the end every body not in zedan team said tomorrow we all tackle him.