Thursday, July 3, 2008

football gose bad man

today i went for football with out food.I had to tackle people,so that they can trip over the ball and my team can take the ball.I have tackle alot of people the worst person i have tackle was zedan.I tackled him then my team mate went to take the ball he was so angry that he pull my shirt and bit my so i bit him back and then he told linus,he said he go slid instad of snaching i was so angry that i went mad i went to the ball and tackle people around it then i fall.Some body went to hit my ear.It was so pain that i sat down on the grown.After that i was still angry i felt that i have more power so i charge in But i ceep missing so i told my self to never give up so i keep on tackleing in the end every body not in zedan team said tomorrow we all tackle him.

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