Friday, July 25, 2008

My secret

Do u know who i love,well some of u know but some of u dont know.I like Zann u know but i love Hanna tell u the true i love zann as well as Yuansheng.I think Yuansheng love zann more than i do,or was that i love more than yuansheng.Any way i quit from fighting for zann.What for fight for some one that they dont love u right?Thats y i quit fighting for.Well there is still some one i love that is Hanna.


chan said...

do not use short form and singlish beacause people will not understand.dont lie you told me you still zann and you said you love yuansheng. you are a gay

Crystalyn Sim said...

I can't belive u really say it.
wat will happen if Mr Ying read it?

Belinda said...

you really love zann eeeeeeeeeeeee