Sunday, July 6, 2008

TKD and soccer

Yesterday was my TKD grading.I was still resting in my bed.When it was 9.30am,my mother woke me up,she ask me to go brush my teeth and eat my breakfast.So i did what she told me to do,after doing all the thing i watch TV.After some time i look at the clock.It was almost 11 o clock.I rush to my TKD clothing and change up.Then my brother brougth me to the school.luckily i was on time.So we all went to the hall.
When it was the blue belt turn we went in the midle of the hall.The instructor
made a row.I was in front of the the examiner.The examiner said start and we started doing or pattern so we did it.When iwas almost finish i suddenly i was so nervous that i forgot what i was doing,so i quickly remember what i was doing.By the time i remember what i was doing it was already the last step that i had to do.So i did the last step.After all this i had to do my kicks when i was doing my kicks suddenly some thing came out fo my uniform it was my pendant.I was so afraid that the exeminer would fail me,so i just forget about it.Then it was time for sparring.I had to fight with linus.I had to be a little bit gentle.After the sparring it was over.I was very scared that i had fail.But today i went for soccer training.After the trainig we still had a little time so the coach said we can play a match but one team only has five wile the other had six because we are short of one player so we played i was on the blue team that only has five but we won because of me and Asharf.I was the goalkeeper that i block all the shot by syszan and asharf score all the goals i had a great time.YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

chan said...